Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hello there. If you are reading this, you are one of my friends who I talked into following these crazy ramblings of mine. I titled it the way I did because yes, I am a Medical Marijuana patient, and as that has a lot of bearing on my physical well-being, talking of being high, frustrations with my grower, different dispensaries, when he doesn't have my medicine ready, etc., will come up from time to time. I felt this was something I needed to tell those of you who may or may not be as comfortable reading about it or hearing about it as some of you others might.

With that said, I do want to address something that has come up that is related to me being a MM patient. Once again, I've had someone use me for this fact and treat me badly, only to turn around and try to make ME the bad guy. Yeah. Sadly, this is not the first time and I fear, not the last, either. I really do think that if Marijuana were just legal, across the board, like alcohol and cigarettes, I'd quit having to go through this kind of crap. It's how the whole system is set up. It's half-assed backward, is what it is!

I've much to do today, though, so I can't go into what frustrates me about states with Medical Marijuana laws, at this time. But I do promise to address this in a future post. Maybe those of you who are in favor of its use in your state, it may give you some incentive to make sure your state doesn't make the same mistakes that Oregon is.

That's all for now. Thanks for following and I will post more later.


  1. I hate that you were used like that. So sorry this happened to you. I am trying to subscribe to your blog.

  2. I replied to you in gmail, but not sure it got to you.

    I chalk it up to being too nice, sometimes, to people when I really shouldn't be. It just makes me not want to help any fellow MJ patients anymore. And I hate being that way, but the feeling of being used is worse, if you ask me.
